Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday, June 23, 2014


 Family movie night last Friday. We all piled in bed to watch a movie. After a long tired week of tennis camp, they were all more than willing.  Romeo on the other hand.  

Monday, June 16, 2014


Carli had her first piano lesson last week. She was so excited. She has been asking to start piano for a year. It's a hard balance giving all three what they truly want instead of what her big sister may be doing. Each of the three of them have their own personality, needs and desires. I sometimes need to be reminded of this. When my Carli (who asks for nothing and will give anything) jumped for joy and screamed in excitement when I told her she could start piano ... I was reminded. Reminded that even though I am a pretty good momma, I still have a lot to learn. Carli my love, I hope you always play to the tune of your own music.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

It's all about poppa, it's Poppa's day!

Happy Father's Day to the best poppa ever! Being a parent has got to be one of the toughest, most loving and scariest things ever. I can't imagine doing it with anybody but you. The day Lexi was handed to you, I knew you would be a great poppa .... you exceeded all of my expectations.

We had a great day celebrating poppa.  We absolutely love and appreciate that we truly have the best poppa ever around this house.  He truly adores them and lives for them.  They are his pride and joy and it shows 100 percent.  They love and adore him just as much.  

We celebrated by going to the IPic movie theatre (poppa loves the movies) and watched Malificent.  Carli thought some parts were a bit scary, but other than that we all loved it.  We came home rested a bit after the movies than went out to dinner with Uncle D and family as well as Pa.  We think poppa had a great poppa's day!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lexi's dance recital

Today was Lexi's final dance show.  She was exhausted afterwards.  This is her first year in the big girl show.  She practiced until 10:30 twice this week and then followed it up with an evening show last night and a matinee show today.  Lexi did amazing! She had 4 dances ... jazz, tap, ballet and hip hop.  She has worked so hard on her dances, literally practicing every single day at home since the day she learned her choreography.  Her dedication and commitment to anything she does far surpasses my expectations.  I am so super proud of her!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A days trip ....

We made a trip to see billie the duckling today.  We brought a food and money donation to the wildlife rescue center.  Lexi did so well, visiting billie.  She knows its where he belongs.  As soon as she started to talk to him, he turned his head towards her and never looked away.  He certainly knows who she is.

After visiting Billie, we made a trip to Jaxson's ice cream shop.  We had lunch and enjoyed yummy ice creams.  After lunch, we headed down towards Miami to the American Girl store.  The girls have been dying to go and get Isabelle, the doll of the year.  I think its truly the only thing they have asked for the past 6 months.  They earned a much deserved surprise trip.  It was an end of the year, awesome academics and hard work and commitment with their activities surprise.  So proud of the two of them!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Carli's dance recital ....

Carli had her dance recital this past weekend.  She did amazing! Her face just lights up on stage.  She has the biggest most beautiful smile the entire time on stage.  She had two dance pieces this year, she had a jazz piece and a ballet piece.  She didn't miss a beat on either one of them.  Keep lighting up the stage my love and keep dancing your little heart away!

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