Here are the words to the commercial I love so much:
I am a princess
I am brave sometimes, I am scared sometimes
Sometimes I am brave even when I am scared.
I believe in loyalty and trust,
I believe that loyalty is built on trust.
I try to be kind, I try to be generous
I am kind even when others are not so generous.
I am a princess.
I think standing up for myself is important,
I think standing up for others is even more important,
but standing with others is most important.
I am a princess.
I believe compassion makes me strong,
kindness is power,
and family is the tightest bond of all.
I have heard I am beautiful,
I know I am strong.
I promise,
and when I promise something,
I never ever break that promise.
I am a princess.
Long may I reign.
Love this poem, if I can call it that. I am copying it and going to put it up in Natalia's room! I was never a princess kind of girl myself and never pushed my daughter to be, but she fell in love with ariel at 3and a half so a princess girl she became...a sporty, fun, happy, Greek, Guatamalan, Irish princess. :)