Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The last day!

Today was the last day of school for the kids.  Now off to summer break.  Part of me is excited to have a break, a break in schedule and just be able to do nothing.  Ask me on June 15th and I will probably have already changed my mind.

The last day of school meant splash day for Carli, talent show for Lexi and an after school ice cream treat.

Carli had tons of fun at her splash party and enjoyed all the water and outdoor fun.  She even had matching bathing suits to one of her bff's.  Of course with my little fashionista, that was a favorite part for her.

The talent show ... Lexi and Gianna did amazing.  I am so proud of those girls who got up in front of the entire school plus lots of parents.  They danced jazz and did is so perfectly! What confidence that took.

After school ice cream about did me over, but the kids enjoyed it.  Gavin was tired as he had no nap due to the talent show, on top of that he and Carli don't like ice cream.  Carli was content sitting and eating a brownie, Gavin on the other hand turned Ben and Jerry's into his playground.  Meanwhile in true Lexi fashion, she pretty much licked her ice cream bowl clean.

Off to summer break now ....

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